An overview list of all released productions from Kasper B. Graversen. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ List v14.1 date: 06.01.95 All the descriptions starting with "MAX -" are utilities that can only be used with the program "MAXs BBS". The date in the "[]" is the release date of that version. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commute v1.35 [31.12.94] Commute is a small FAST convertion tool, which converts between the Amiga and the PC's ascii chart (and vice versa) - works on all KickStarts. CopyC v1.1 [06.01.95] A small CLI-utility to copy a filecomment from one file to one or more files. v1.1 has wildcard support, and will therefore only work on ks2.04 or better. IconHandler v1.3 [16.08.94] IconHandler is a small WorkBench utility, that changes the Default tool and the stack size on chosen icons depending of their name and present Default tool (it's 100% configurable, and wildcard is implemented). It needs Kickstart 2.04 or better to run. FSList v1.1 [24.12.94] A lookup utility for C programmers using Cygnus Editor.. It opens a window on CED's screen with a list of all Functions and Structures, from this you'll get a pretty good overview, but the best thing is that you can jump between the functions/structures fast and easily... KEEEEWL program - requires Kickstart 2.04 or better. KBGchat v1.0 [08.08.94] MAX - KBGchat is a chat frontdoor helping the sysop to choose what he wants to chat about. It requires kickstart 2.04 or better. KBGfileGen v1.02 [26.11.94] MAX - This is a filelist generator for the MAXs BBs system. It has been tested on v1.52 and v1.54 and should work older versions aswell. When registered it is (what I believe) the best filelist generator for the MAXs BBs system! It REQUIRES Kickstart 2.04 or better. KBGfixIt v1.0 [14.10.94] MAX - This program searches through the filelist and changes the filesize on the files that are found in the specified filepaths. If files are not found in any specified path, KBGfixIt will tell you, but NO REQUESTERS! Requires Kickstart 2.04 or better. KBGmaxComment v1.0 [14.10.94] MAX - This program searches through the filelist, and changes the filecomments on the files, that are found in the specified filepaths to the description within MAXs BBS. KBGofflineDL v1.0 [08.10.94] MAX - KBGofflineDL is a door for MAXs BBs. When activated, it pops up an ASL-requester, where you select the files the online user should Download. If shift is pressed while selecting files, you can select more than one file. When return or the Download gadget has been presed, you return to MAX and the user starts Downloading.. automatically :-) Requires Kickstart 2.04 or better. KBGtimeLauncher v1.0 [27.11.94] This tool was made to activate my BBs even if I had a system crash. It runs or executes things you specify if it is run with a specified timezone. It is not a substitution for a cron utility, but a sort of support tool instead. Works on any KickStart. Myxoedema v1.05 [02.02.94] This small CLI-utility makes the powerled blink... WOW! :-) It's FREEWARE, runs under any kickstart, and seems useless for most people (including me :-) Pressy v1.11 [03.01.95] Pressy is a small CLI-utility, that enables complex startup-sequences. You can specify things Pressy should do, if it is run with either left or right mousebutton is pressed. It's freeware and runs under every kickstart. TNCC v1.01 [31.12.94] This converter converts between the txt format used in the Amstrad NC100 (PROTEXT) and the Amiga ANSI - though with some restrictions! It should work on any Amiga. Typer v1.0 [18.12.94] MAX - This door does nothing but typing a certain textfile. it's freeware and should run under any kickstart. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------